Laser Hair Removal

At Pristine Spas, we offer two effective solutions for permanent hair removal - Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis.

Laser Hair Removal
At Pristine Spas, we offer two effective solutions for permanent hair removal - Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis.

Laser Hair Removal utilizes cutting-edge technology to target hair follicles at their roots. This method offers permanent hair reduction over several treatments and is suitable for various hair and skin types. It's an excellent choice for those looking to efficiently manage larger areas with less discomfort and quicker results.

Electrolysis provides a meticulous approach to hair removal, targeting individual follicles with precision using a fine electrical current. This method is incredibly thorough, offering permanent results for those who prefer a detailed treatment plan, regardless of hair or skin type.

Both treatments ensure a safe and effective way to eliminate the daily hassle of shaving and waxing. Whether you choose the rapid effectiveness of laser treatment or the precise control of electrolysis, Pristine Spas has the perfect solution for your hair removal needs.

What are the Pros of Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal offers a permanent solution to unwanted hair. It's a cost-effective alternative in the long run, compared to ongoing costs of waxing or shaving. It can also prevent and eliminate ingrown hairs and is much less painful than waxing.

What are the cons of Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal requires multiple sessions for optimum results. It may cause temporary discomfort, and there's a minor risk of burns or changes in skin pigmentation, although this is rare with professional treatment.

What is the difference between Laser Hair Removal and other hair removal methods?

Unlike waxing or shaving which provide temporary results, Laser Hair Removal offers a more permanent solution by destroying hair follicles, preventing regrowth.

How much does Laser Hair Removal cost?

The cost can vary widely depending on the area being treated and the number of sessions required. On average, it can range from800 per session. Please contact us for a detailed quote.

Are there any side effects related to Laser Hair Removal?

Some clients may experience minor redness, swelling, or discomfort following the procedure, but these effects are typically short-lived.

Is Laser Hair Removal permanent?

While Laser Hair Removal significantly reduces hair growth, maintenance treatments may be required over time as some hair may eventually grow back.